Occupational Therapy
What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is a health and rehabilitation profession that focuses on activities of daily living across the lifespan. For children and young adults, these can include self-care tasks, play and feeding as well as improving other components that make up these skills, including motor coordination, sensory processing and cognitive functioning. When children experience delays in these areas due to injury, disease or dysfunction, occupational therapists will work closely with the child and family to adapt or restore the highest possible level of independence. For older children and young adults, occupational therapists can address life skill independence, such as laundry management, money management and cooking skills. 

What are the Benefits?

Improvements in a variety of functional areas including, but not limited to:
• Assessment of equipment needs
• Attention and social skills
• Functional play skills
• Gaining coping strategies for emotional regulation
• Independence with self-care tasks
• Life skills (i.e., cooking, money management, laundry management, etc.)
• Positioning/strength
• Tolerance of sensory input


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